Syllabus of Plant Families Part 2/2: Photoautotrophic eukaryotic Algae - Rhodophyta (2017)

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Záruka (měsíce): 24

Dostupnost: Do 14 dnů

2017. XII, 171 pages, 38 figures, 17x25cm, 590 g
Language: English

Part 2/2 of Engler's Syllabus of Plant Families - Rhodophyta provides a thorough treatise of the world-wide morphological and molecular diversity of the division Rhodophyta. The Rhodophyta are a group of algae with a fascinating range of morphological and ecological diversity, distributed from tropical to temperate marine waters with a high diversity in the Southern Hemisphere.
The present volume is, as the formerly published volumes of the Syllabus, an updated synthesis of classical anatomical-morphological characters with modern molecular data, incorporating numerous new discoveries made during the last ten years, providing a comprehensive modern survey covering all families and genera of the Rhodophyta including detailed family descriptions.
Following the tradition of Engler, and incorporating the latest results from molecular phylogenetics and phylogenomics, the completely restructured and revised 13th edition provides an up-to-date evolutionary and systematic overview of the fungal and plant groups. It is a mandatory reference for students, experts and researchers from all fields of biological sciences, particularly botany, phycology and mycology.
Engler's Syllabus of Plant Families has since its first publication in 1887 aimed to provide both the researcher, and particularly the students with a concise survey of the plant kingdom as a whole, presenting all higher systematic units right down to families and genera of plants and fungi. In 1954, more than 60 years ago, the 12th edition of the well-known "Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien" ("Syllabus of Plant Families"), set a standard.
Now, the completely restructured and revised 13th edition of Engler's Syllabus published in 5 parts and in English language for the first time also considers molecular data, which have only recently become available in order to provide an up-to-date evolutionary and systematic overview of the plant groups treated.
In our "molecular times" there is a vitally important and growing need to preserve the knowledge of the entire range of diversity and biology of organisms for coming generations, as there is a decline in "classical" morphological and taxonomical expertise, especially for less popular (showy) groups of organisms.
Accordingly, the 13th edition of Syllabus of Plant Families synthesizes both modern data and classical expertise, serving to educate future experts who will maintain our knowledge of the full range of Earth's biodiversity.
Syllabus of Plant Families is a mandatory reference for students, experts and researchers from all fields of biological sciences, particularly botany and mycology.

Abbreviations XI
1 Introduction 1
2 Rhodophyta 2
Characterization and systematic relationships 2
3 Synopsis of classification of the Rhodophyta 14
4 Systematic arrangement of the taxa of the Rhodophyta 19
4.1 Cyanidiophytina 19
Cyanidiophyceae 19
Cyanidiales 20
4.2 Rhodophytina 21
Porphyridiophyceae 21
Porphyridiales 22
Stylonematophyceae 23
Rufusiales 24
Stylonematales 24
Compsopogonophyceae 26
Compsopogonales 26
Erythropeltidales 27
Rhodochaetales 27
Rhodellophyceae 28
Dixoniellales 29
Glaucosphaerales 29
Rhodellales 29
Bangiophyceae 31
Bangiales 32
Florideophyceae 33
Hildenbrandiophycidae 35Hildenbrandiales 35
Nemaliophycidae 36
Acrochaetiales 36
Balbianiales 37
Balliales 38
Batrachospermales 38
Colanematales 41
Entwisleiales 41
Nemaliales 42
Palmariales 48
Rhodachlyales 51
Thoreales 51
Corallinophycidae 52
Corallinales 53
Hapalidiales 55
Rhodogorgonales 56
Sporolithales 56
Corallinophycidae ord. inc. sed 57
Ahnfeltiophycidae 57
Ahnfeltiales 57
Pihiellales 58
Rhodymeniophycidae 58
Acrosymphytales 58
Bonnemaisoniales 59Ceramiales 60
Ceramiales ord. inc. sed 86
Gelidiales 86
Gigartinales 89
Gracilariales 130
Halymeniales 132
Nemastomatales 136
Peyssonneliales 138
Plocamiales 139
Rhodymeniales 141
Rhodymeniales fam. inc. sed 144
Sebdeniales 144
5 Appendix 159
Sympodothamnion 159
Bangiales 159
Acrosymphytales 160
Gigartinales 160
Catenellopsidales 160
Acknowledgements 162
Sources of Illustrations 163
Index to Taxa 164

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