Edible Fungi: Chemical Composition, Nutrition and Health Effects (2022)
4 159,09 Kč vč. DPH
4 159,09 Kč bez DPH
Edible Fungi: Chemical Composition, Nutrition and Health Effects-Dejan Stojković, Lillian Barros
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Záruka (měsíce): 24
Dostupnost: Do 14 dnů
Thousands of organisms fall under the umbrella of fungal species, many with unique properties; some innocuous, some useful and some harmful.
This book covers the chemical composition and nutraceutical and pharmaceutical properties of edible fungi. It provides updates, future trends and perspectives on edible fungi, their nutritional properties, chemical features and different biological activities ascribed to them. Linking their functional use with different food products, it details the many health related properties of edible fungi. Phenolic acids, fatty acids, macromolecules, and different terpenes and steroids are presented as compounds with health improving properties. The book also discusses current technologies for mushroom cultivation and cultural use of mushrooms around the globe.
Intended for food scientists and technologists, this book offers insights into current research and developments on edible fungi and will stimulate additional research in this area. It could also be considered as a supplementary text for courses such as applied or medical mycology.
ISBN: 9781839164019
422 pages